What is root canal treatment?
Root canal is a term which is used for describing your natural cavity that lies within the centre of your tooth. The nerves of the tooth lie in the root canal. When the nerve tissue or the pulp of your tooth gets damaged, it will break down, resulting in multiplication of bacteria in the pulp chamber.
The presence of bacteria and the decayed debris may cause a tooth infection. It can also cause a swelling that sometimes spreads to the other parts of the neck, face or head. If you are experiencing pain, tooth discoloration, swelling or a feeling of tenderness in your lymph nodes, there may be a chance that you require a root canal treatment.
A root canal is performed for repairing or saving an infected tooth that has been damaged badly. The procedure is carried out by removing the area of the tooth that is damaged, commonly known as the pulp. After that, the area is cleaned and disinfected before being filled and sealed.
Once this initial root canal treatment performed, you can visit the dentist later who may place a crown on the affected tooth for protection and restore it to function perfectly. A root canal treatment may comprise of one to three visits to the dentist, depending on the severity of the condition.
Benefits of Root Canal Treatments
Alleviates Pain
One of the worst things to ever experience is a throbbing toothache. The discomfort can distract you from work. Not only can it devastate your productivity, but it can also ruin whatever time you have to relax. Most of the pain actually associated with a root canal is not the procedure itself or the recovery, it’s the pain caused by the infected dental pulp inside your tooth beforehand. A root canal actually involves cleaning away the damaged nerves and bacteria that are causing all this pain and soothes your toothache. A variety of anaesthesia options are also available during your procedure to make it a virtually painless experience.
Save Your Natural Smile
The goal of a root canal is to save your tooth, not replace it. While dental prosthetics may be able to restore some of the strength of your missing teeth, nothing will ever look, feel, or function like your natural teeth. So if you want to continue eating the foods you love without changing the appearance of your smile, a root canal is probably your best option.
Eliminate Temperate Sensitivity
Everyone loves an ice-cold drink on a hot summer’s day or a warm bowl of soup on a cold winter’s night, but infected or inflamed teeth can make this a painful experience. A great benefit of root canal therapy is that the procedure removes these damaged nerves, so you can get back to enjoying the foods you love.
Prevents Further Serious Infections
The infection in the dental pulp chamber of your tooth is not just going to stop at a single tooth. It can spread to other teeth or other parts of the body, further destroying your smile and oral health. When patients forgo root canal treatments, they are likely to experience swelling, pain, and further infections of their teeth, gums, and other tissue in your mouth. This infection can even affect your overall health, and in some cases, be life threatening if left untreated. In fact, University of Helsinki researchers found that acute coronary syndrome is 2.7 times more common among people with infections at the tip of a tooth root.
Crown and bridges
Bridges and crowns are fixed prosthetic devices that are cemented onto existing teeth or implants by a dentist or prosthodontist. Crowns are used most commonly to entirely cover or “cap” a damaged tooth or cover an implant. Bridges are commonly used to cover a space if you’re missing one or more teeth.
What is a Dental Crown?
A dental crown is a tooth shaped covering used as a cap over damaged teeth. The purpose of placing a crown is to improve the appearance and strength of the damaged tooth. Crowns are also placed over surgically inserted dental implants.
Benefits of crowns and bridges
Improved Chewing:
Damage to a tooth or the loss of one or more teeth might make it difficult to chew easily. When it is difficult to bite or chew vegetables, fruits, or meat, you may avoid these beneficial items, which may eventually lead to nutritional deficiencies. A crown, bridge, or dental implant makes chewing simpler and may even keep you healthier.
Stronger Teeth:
Crowns are frequently utilised to protect and stabilise delicate teeth that have gotten weaker due to aging, fissures, root canal therapy, trauma, or big fillings.
No More Pain:
Broken teeth can be incredibly painful. A crown protects the tooth and removes discomfort and sensitivity.
Improved Appearance:
Many people are unaware of how much they take their smiles for granted until they experience a dental problem. Even little flaws can cause you to feel self-conscious. Crowns and bridges improve your appearance and make you feel more confident about your smile. If you have a discoloured tooth or wish to change the form or length of a tooth, our dentist may recommend a crown. Bridges and crowns attached to dental implants repair gaps in your teeth, completely changing your smile.
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